ADKN Pattern Services
ADKN Pattern Services
3D Visualisation, Pattern Drafting, Pattern Cutting and Grading
Our highly-experienced pattern cutters are capable of interpreting your ideas from sketches, images, existing garments and technical packs and create accurate patterns using a green and sustainable approach.
Our cutting methods include manual pattern cutting, block manipulation, draping, replicating existing patterns, software and digital pattern cutting, all whilst keeping in mind a cost-effective and smooth production approach. Our team engages in a zero waste policy regarding all materials used in the creation of your patterns. We can also grade your patterns according to your size requirements and provide size specification sheets. This is a very transparent process and your input will be required at different stages to ensure you get the desired results. We will also perform quality assessment on your patterns to ensure the right fit every time. The entire process uses only recycled paper.
By using the latest technological advances in fashion design we will be able to even bring your designs and patterns to life via a 3D virtual image. We will be able to virtually make any amendments including fit, length etc. as well as identify any tension points for a quick, smooth and cost-efficient process for garments that will always have the right fit.